This write up sums up my experience with .NET. Basically, .NET shops don’t think for themselves, seem to cater to the lowest-common-denominator (which I often am), and just feel mired in bad, bloated tech because it’s what Microsoft was promoting at the time.

F# is awesome sauce, but no one uses it…

I’m wondering what the solution is for someone who likes working in statically typed languages and a good IDE. I just can’t bring myself to use Java and its ecosystem. OCaml seems warty (among other things… no overloaded math operators… really?) Lisp comes in too many flavors for any of them to seem worth the investment. Elixir’s syntax is too much like VB.NET/Ruby for my tastes. Haskell is too much like Haskell for my tastes…

(Yeah. Lisp and Elixir aren’t statically typed, but they’re functional and pretty sweet in their own way.)


Well, back to paying the bills with Rails. :)